Cute video showcases dogs addicted to posing for selfies

Dogs addicted to posing for selfies. Photo: Reproduction Instagram
Dogs addicted to posing for selfies. Photo: Reproduction Instagram

The adorable video featuring various dogs who love posing for selfies is melting the hearts of internet users!

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The sweet clip, shared on Instagram, is a compilation of clever dogs who have learned to pose in extremely adorable ways for photos. “Animal friends,” reads the video caption.

Since its release a few days ago, the clip has already amassed over 500,000 views, along with more than 45,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who are enamored with the smart little dogs.

“I just love the personalities of dogs and cats. They bring so much joy,” said one Instagram user. “I’ve watched this three times already and it melted my heart,” commented another. “They are all so precious,” said a third internet user.

This content was created with the assistance of AI.

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